Our world revolves around trees.

With us, the forest makes the difference! Our forest is alive and provides habitat for people, fauna, and flora. Our story began in 2007.

As a pioneer, we started in Costa Rica to transform former depleted pastures into permanently existing mixed forests in a near-natural forestry concept with native tree species. Reforesting forests – that is our expertise. We have now been active in the reforestation of tropical forest landscapes for 17 years. And since the end of 2022, it has been clear: we are expanding and putting down new roots in Colombia.

The need for a sustainable economy concerns us all and presents us with major challenges. Building on our expertise and competencies, we are addressing those challenges. Within our reforestation-based businesses fields, we have developed innovative and natural solutions – generating added value at all levels.

BaumInvest combines economic aspects with ecological responsibility and social action – it is a meaningful investment in the future!

Our world revolves around trees.

With us, the forest makes the difference! Our forest is alive and provides habitat for people, fauna, and flora. Our story began in 2007.

As a pioneer, we started in Costa Rica to transform former depleted pastures into permanently existing mixed forests in a near-natural forestry concept with native tree species. Reforesting forests – that is our expertise. We have now been active in the reforestation of tropical forest landscapes for 17 years. And since the end of 2022, it has been clear: we are expanding and putting down new roots in Colombia.

The need for a sustainable economy concerns us all and presents us with major challenges. Building on our expertise and competencies, we are addressing those challenges. Within our reforestation-based businesses fields, we have developed innovative and natural solutions – generating added value at all levels.

BaumInvest combines economic aspects with ecological responsibility and social action – it is a meaningful investment in the future!

Our Carbon Product Portfolio

Carbon Credits

On demand / Spot market

Receive high-quality Gold Standard Carbon Credits, taken from our inventory, produced by our BaumInvest reforestation projects in Costa Rica and Colombia.

Carbon Forest Units

“Ready to use” modular Engagement

Invest in a modular Carbon Forest Unit for 10 or 20 years and receive high-quality gold standard Carbon Credits with guaranteed availability at a fixed price.

Company Carbon Forest

Long-term Engagement

Invest in your very own forest for 40 years and profit from guaranteed availability and a fixed price for high-quality Gold Standard Carbon Credits from your own production.

Carbon Credits

On demand / Spot market

Receive high-quality Gold Standard Carbon Credits, taken from our inventory, produced by our BaumInvest reforestation projects in Costa Rica and Colombia.

Carbon Forest Units

“Ready to use” modular Engagement

Invest in a modular Carbon Forest Unit for 10 or 20 years and receive high-quality gold standard Carbon Credits with guaranteed availability at a fixed price.

Company Carbon Forest

Long-term Engagement

Invest in your very own forest for 40 years and profit from guaranteed availability and a fixed price for high-quality Gold Standard Carbon Credits from your own production.

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BaumInvest Blog & News

Alle Neuigkeiten rund um BaumInvest aus Deutschland und Costa Rica

Ankündigung Aktionärsreise 2025

Nach unserer erfolgreichen Aktionärsreise 2024 freuen wir uns, auch in diesem Jahr wieder eine Reise für unsere Aktionärinnen und Aktionäre zu unseren Projekten in Costa Rica anbieten zu können.

6. Mar 2025

Interview mit Oswaldo Alonso Patiño Uzcategui

Unsere Aktionärsreise nach Costa Rica war geprägt von wertvollen Gesprächen, dem Kennenlernen unserer Projekte vor Ort und interessanten Einblicken in die Biodiversität des Landes.

26. Feb 2025

Aktionärsreise nach Costa Rica

Unsere Aktionärsreise nach Costa Rica war geprägt von wertvollen Gesprächen, dem Kennenlernen unserer Projekte vor Ort und interessanten Einblicken in die Biodiversität des Landes.

12. Dec 2024

Kolumbien Update November 2024

Im Oktober reiste ein Teil des BaumInvest-Teams, darunter CEO Antje Virkus und Dr. Anja Nölte, mit Aufsichtsratsmitglied Martin Homola und Frieder Schütz von unserem Partner ClimateGrid nach Kolumbien, um sich vor Ort den Projektfortschritt anzuschauen.

11. Nov 2024

Unser Engagement für Nachhaltigkeit

Nachhaltigkeit ist Kernbestandteil unserer Unternehmenskultur: Nachhaltiges Wirtschaften ist für uns nicht nur möglich, sondern notwendig, um eine lebenswerte Zukunft zu sichern.

6. Nov 2024

Die Hauptversammlung 2024

Mit Freude blicken wir auf ein weiteres erfolgreiches Geschäftsjahr zurück. Das Jahr 2023 brachte für die BaumInvest AG erneut ein positives Ergebnis. Am 18. Juli 2024 fand unsere Hauptversammlung, wie bereits im Vorjahr, im bewährten digitalen Format statt.

1. Aug 2024

It can happen so quickly – in the video you can see an impressive before/after comparison approx. 6 months after planting at our new Canio Negro reforestation site in Costa Rica.

Planting for our first reforestation project in Colombia started on our land in El Veraneo at the beginning of May.

Planting for our first reforestation project in Colombia started on our land in El Veraneo at the beginning of May.

On International Water Day, we gave an environmental education tour on the topic of "Forest and Water".

On International Water Day, we gave an environmental education tour on the topic of “Forest and Water”.

The replanting in Costa Rica uses an efficient and environmentally friendly method - the paperpot concept.

The replanting in Costa Rica uses an efficient and environmentally friendly method – the paperpot concept.